Creative Arts Collection


Yes, you can. But please complete only one entry form. There is a blank on the form where you can list the total number of entries.

No, it does not. There are no limitations on subject matter.

There is no length limit or requirement for short stories or poetry. However, because space in the print edition is finite, we may have to excerpt long entries or publish them online.

The easiest way is to take a high quality digital photograph of your piece. If you have access to a good digital camera, use that instead of your camera phone. Digital entries will be evaluated as submitted; we cannot take responsibility for quality lost to file compression or electronic rendering.

If you prefer to mail in your entry, please include SASE if you would like your entry returned. Our mailing address is below:

American Medical Student Association
Attn: Creative Arts Contest
25050 Riding Plaza Ste 130 Box 632
Chantilly, VA  20152

If your files are large, you can use our FTP server. For FTP login information, e-mail tnp@amsa.org.

That may depend on your e-mail provider. Ours will accept files up to a 20mb total, but your provider may place a lower limit on outbound files. Many providers use a 10mb limit.

Have additional questions that weren’t addressed above?